Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chemistry problems

I hope this article will help you in understanding the basic concepts of Chemistry.The Chemistry problems you are facing will be solved if you know if you know what chemistry is all about.

Let me define "What is Chemistry?"
Chemistry is the science of matter and energy and the interaction between them.

Matter is anything that exist in mass.The smallest substances that exist in the earth are elements.
In Chemistry you will learn about how  elements interact to form atoms and molecules, how compounds are formed.For example, water H2O is formed by two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.In nature positive and negative charges attract each other, some atoms have negative charges and some positive charges.According to free charges available in an atom and charges needed by another atom, interactions are taken place to stabilize the atoms that are not stable.So, in order to stabilize an om chemical bonding takes place.

Next time we will learn about Chemical bonding in detail.


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