Monday, October 18, 2010

Properties of Metals

Metals are elements which have wide application in our daily life.Because of their properties they are used for many purposes.

The properties of metals are as follows:
1.Physical state- metals are solid at room temperature except mercury and gallium which are liquid at room temperature.
2.They are lustrous
3.They are malleable - they can be hammered and made into thin sheet.
4.They conduct electricity.
5.They are hard except potassium and sodium which are soft.
6.They have 1 to 3 electrons in their outermost shell of their atoms.
7.They are heavy and have high density.
8.They have high melting and boiling point.
9.They are electropositive in nature i.e, they give out electrons but do not accept electrons.

Because of these properties, they are used in computers, aerospace, construction, farming, etc.

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