Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nutrition in plants

Nutrition may be defined as the process obtaining food to support life.Plants use minerals as their food.
Plants absorb minerals from soils.So, fertility which means the capability of soil to provide nutrients to
plants determine the healthy growth of plants.

Most of the plants are autotrophic.Autotrophs are those that utilize carbon dioxide as their sole provider of carbon.Nutrition in plants is supported by sun through the process called photosynthesis.For example carbohydrate which is the main source of energy is obtained by using carbon, hydrogen and oxgygen
through the process photosynthesis.

The study of how plant get mineral to prepare food is known as mineral nutrition.
If plants do not get sufficient nutrients, specific symptoms appear due to deficiency
of a particular mineral.

There are some methods of supplying nutrients to plants for a healthy growth.
These methods are very helpful for good a harvest.use of fertilizers is one example of providing
nutrients to plants.

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